Try BetaVersion of SelfSlice

SelfSlice is currently in beta version, and there are the following limitations

  • Only PrusaSlicer is supported
  • Only single-nozzle 3D printers without support structures are supported
  • Before printing, it is always necessary to check the optimized G-code (for example, by opening it in PrusaSlicer).


Personal use

85 EUR with VAT per year

possibility to opt out during first month and pay 9 EUR for 1 month
  • Unlimited number of optimizations
  • Priority user support
  • One account per person


275 EUR with VAT per year

possibility to opt out during first month and pay 30 EUR for 1 month
  • Unlimited number of optimizations
  • Priority user support
  • One account can be shared with an unlimited number of users
  • Active usage is possible by only one user at a time

On-line Manual